Hi again! I've been off track or on summer vacation for about a week now and I didn't know the days would be so long and boring! I don't know I just get so bored during the day! Yesterday I went up to Snowbird and had a GREAT time! I did the Alpine Slide, the bungee trampoline, the rock climbing wall, and then went swimming! It was very fun! Today My friend came over and we had fun until we had to babysit this lady's kids because her other babysit couldn't make so she called us and my mom said that we would watch her kids. They were all over the place! It was very frustrating! Then after they went home I played on the computer, then ate dinner, and then I went outside and played with my neighbor across the street until 9:30. It was very fun we rode our ripsticks to the park and played on these exercise things around the park.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Posted by Abby at 6:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hello my fellow blog readers and everyone else out there. What's up? Ok well I'll tell you what's up with me then, here we go; Well....................................
- My mom has a headache
- My sister is at soccer practice
- I'm on the computer
- My dad is doing some work
- My brother is watching T.V
- Now my mom is downstairs cleaning up some stuff
- My brother just turned the T.V off
- My dog, Penny, is snoozing on the couch
- My dad left to pick my sister up from soccer
- My dad is home with my sister
- My mom is bouncing bouncy balls with my brother
- My sister is putting her soccer stuff away
Posted by Abby at 6:09 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Posted by Abby at 4:28 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO sad!!!!!! Just kidding, not that sad but I think you get my point. Anyway today was my last day at Welby I'm no longer a 6th grader!!!!!!!! It's hard to think about it right now. I'm going to miss all my friends, thankfully I got most of their numbers and or emails, but it's still kinda depressing to think about it right now. Here is a question: If I'm done with 6th grade and it summer vacation so I'm not really in 7th grade yet then what grade am I in?!?!?!? It's confusing me!!!!!!!!!!! It's kinda a weird question but for some strange reason it's bugging the heck outta me!!!
Posted by Abby at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've been really busy. I've had a LOT of family members come and visit and I just haven't had the time. Well maybe I did I just didn't feel like posting. Sorry. I've been working on my South Africa report a lot lately also and i FINALLY finished. I only have to make the treat tomorrow. My mom had been really tired today so I hope tomorrow we will be able to get it done. I'm sorry I haven't posted my new song up. I'll TRY let me repeat TRY to get it done on Monday but I'm not sure. Here is a funny picture I uploaded for no reason. I have to go to bed now. Bye! - Abby
Posted by Abby at 8:57 PM 0 comments