Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hello, I'm back from Cedar City. The funeral was well, as best as a funeral can get. Hey here's a question I have: Why do people call Funeral funerals? I mean FUNeral, funerals are NOT fun they are sad and depressing! I think someone should consider re-naming it. 

Anyway I think I might start putting up some videos of the new songs I've been learning on the piano. I know your thinking LAME! But some of them are actually pretty cool songs. First i need to find a computer thing to download onto my computer, but if I can't find one of those then I'll just have to record it on my webcam in my computer. The bad thing is about that though is that it doesn't just record sound but its like a camcorder where you can record your self (live image) also, but I don't want to have to show myself over the internet so I might just put a stickie note over the camera so that it only picks up the sounds and not my face. LOL. Please leave a comment if you think that is a good or bad idea. Also if you have any other ideas for my blog please tell me. I need some feedback. Ok anyway that's really all. Good-bye and good-night, Abby