Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hello again!

It's October 31st so I guess that means......... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay I'm so excited!
I've been waiting to go trick-or-treating all day!!
Sadly this is my last year of trick-or-treating fun, oh well.
So anyway, get off of that computer and go get yourself some candy!!!!
Bye, - Abby

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello again!!

I finally remembered to post another paragraph or so!!
I'm really bored at the moment soooooo........................ I'm going to type a bunch of random pointless stuff. Blagofilic sesmaniecalafocal tegwala perticalfaly galifinkle verglifugul aglafigla sibtabaltel hagusbekel bla bla bla
Hehe my favorite one was hagusbekel.
My toes feel fuzzy in my socks.
Ugh I really am bored.
This is so pointless.
I don't know what to say........
cat's say meow.
This is getting really stupid.
K I'ma go now, bye