Saturday, August 29, 2009

Todays post

Hello everyone who read my blog here's my newest post:

Today my grandparents are coming to visit us and we are going to the Gateway!!
Also my brother Alex has a soccer game and a birthday party to go to, oh and I'm also going on a bike ride with my dad.
This week middle school started and it's been as good as school can get I guess.
I have a really boring health teacher though. Ugh he has no expression in his voice what so ever!!
Do you know how boring it is to sit around and listen to him blabble on about how he loves hunting and all that stuff.
I hate going to his class, it bores me out of my mind!! Bleh :P
Ummm anyway that's about it so yeah, bye! - Abby

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hello guys here is another post.... Yay

So anyway today I'm going to go see band slam with my friend Aspen, I don't know much about the movie but I think it should be pretty good.
I still have my cell phone (duh) and it's blue and black! I love it!!
My birthday and my party are in only 6 days!! I'm excited!!!! 
Besides all that stuff I've just been hanging out at home doing boring stuff such as: texting and calling people on my phone, reading, playing on the computer, and watching TV.
Fun huh??
Well I'm running outta stuff to type here so I guess I'll just end my post now (geez this is a short one)
I'll post again later so yeah, bye! - Abby

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello again!!!!!

Ok Everyone..... GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!??!!!!?????!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!!?????!
I GOT A CELL PHONE!!! WHOOT WHOOT! I wish they had a super caps lock :( But thankfully I can make my font on here bigger like that  up there^^
So yeah, I got a phone called the samsung exclaim and it's blue and it slides for the keyboard and it slides for the numbers and it it has a nice big screen it's so awesome!!! and oh yeah my birthday is in 7 days! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hello Again everyone!

Alright well Yesterday and today were crazy!
I'll start out with yesterday.
So I went to Lagoon with Amanda (which is a theme park) and  I was terrified to go on this one ride called Wicked. But I promised Amanda that I would go on Wicked if she went in Dracula's Castle with me. So it was deal.
Wicked was actually really fun!!! There is this part at the beginning where it goes straight up the straight down. When it goes down it feels like you're not even on the tracks anymore, but I liked it!!
So we went over to Dracula's Castle and Amanda's brother and his friend went in then it was me and Amanda next. Amanda REALLY didn't want to go in so I didn't want to go alone so we ended up going. Then funny thing is that the ride stopped while her brother and his friend where in there, they had to have some guy go in and push them out, it was funny!
Then we did some other stuff but blah blah I don't want this post to be too long!
So anyway after Lagoon I went to my sister's soccer game, then we drove up to our second cousins house cause there was a balloon festival by them so we were going to go to that with them in the morning. Turns out it was raining so when we had already drove there they ended up not doing it so we just drove back. Then I feel asleep on the car drive back to their house and my family just left me in car. I slept for 2 hours.
Then we went to this theater and saw night at the museum 2 for free! And get this, we also got free popcorn and a drink, for all of us!! It was really nice!
The movie was good I liked it but I didn't really like the ending very much.
Then we went to my great aunt and uncles house cause my dads cousin was coming from New york to visit everyone. We hung out there for a little while then went home.
I have  to do a lesson in church for my class so I had to work EXTRA hard on it today.
I made bookmarks for everyone that I'm teaching and I think they turned out pretty cute.
Then my friend, Hannah came over for about an hour and a half and we hung out then she went home. Then we went to Aeropostale to get my friend and birthday present.
Now I'm at home writing this post, (which ended up being a LOT longer that I thought it would be)
Oh wait and another thing, My Birthday is in 9 days!!!! Wooo whoooo!!
Anyway I'm done writing now, sorry for such a long post, I believe this is my longest one so far.
So yeah This is it, bye! - Abby

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello again! I'm sorry I haven't posted for ..... 7 days!  Sometimes I just think that most people wouldn't want to hear about all the boring I've been doing so I've just been posting when I actually have something to post about so yeah..... Anyway today is my Dad's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!! And so yep we are making him these this yummy chocolate cake stuff with hot fudge inside it and ice cream. Mmmmmm it's going to be so yummy! 

Let me think, I can't really think of anything else fun or exciting happening right now so I guess I'll just end my post right here. 
Oh yeah I forgot!! My birthday is in 14 days!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! I'm turning 13!!!!! I'm going to be a teenage, creepy O.o
Well, now I'm out of stuff to say so this is it for now, I'll try and post more often, I promise!!! but for now, bye! -Abby

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hello everyone!!! I know what you all are thinking! "Finally she posts a new post!" and "UGH, she never keeps up with her blog!" I'm sorry! I've been busy! Well kinda..... maybe...... not really......... Ok I've been forgetting my blog a lot! but anyway stay with me people and just read this next post!

Today we had middle School Registration. I being locker buddies with Amanda. We went and 9:45 this morning and we thought it was going to take around and hour but only ended up taking like 15 minutes!! We got really lucky cause there wasn't really anybody there!! 
Last night my brother stomach started hurting and when it does it not pretty and I mean it!!! He stayed up almost all night screaming and crying and throwing up and yelling and oh! Can you imagine how hard it is to sleep when someone is screaming???? Well let me tell you it's not easy! So me and my sister ended up sleeping downstairs in the basement (yes, on the cold hard floor) for the night. Fun huh?? It was SO hard to fall asleep but finally sleep came and oh boy I was happy.
 So anyway that's really all that's going on right now so umm ya I guess I'm just gonna end my post right here, so bye! - Abby