Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi everyone!! I am very bored right now so this post is going to be a random one. I have decided that I would post a daily joke, Soooooooooooooo today's daily joke is: Q: What did the dumb blond name her zebra? A: Spot. 

     LOL, ok yes so from now on I will post a daily joke, except for sunday when i can't get on the computer, or for some other reason such as: Sick, Hurt, away on a trip, and so on.
     anyway today at school we did our final play performance, BUT because some kids wanted to preform 3 plays instead of 2 that's what we ended up doing. :( I don't like doing the play because i am a narrator so that means that instead of acting out stuff on the stage I just sit off to the side and read off my script. You wouldn't believe how boring that gets. Also because everyone can see you you have to look interested during THE WHOLE PLAY!!!!! After hearing it over 20 times I'm pretty sick of it to tell the truth. But I made it ( as you can tell ) and it turned out good.
     Other than that my week has been really boring but tonight my family and I are going to this park, they have a basketball hoop, haha, I'm addicted to basketball. Oh also spring basketball starts in 2 weeks so that is something to be excited about. :D. 
    That's all for today, Bye! - Abby!